This form is to be completed by the donor of an eligible American Saddlebred stallion, for submission into the 2025 All American Cup Stallion Auction. This form can be submitted by an owner or authorized manager/representative only.
By submitting this form, the undersigned agrees to donate one breeding service for the below-named stallion to the 2025 All American Cup Stallion Auction. The undersigned agrees for this stallion service donation to be used for one (1) registered American Saddlebred broodmare. The resulting foal will be eligible for the All American Cup, starting in 2026.
The undersigned understands that the All American Cup assumes no further responsibility after the sale of the stallion service at the All American Cup Stallion Service Auction. All future business is the responsibility of the stallion owner/manager and broodmare owner (buyer).
Bid Guarantee/No-Risk Policy:
There is NO financial risk to the stallion donor. As the undersigned, I understand that I WILL NOT be obligated to purchase the nominated stallion's service if there is not a satisfactory bid. I do agree to make the initial and opening bid on the above-named stallion in the amount of $500. I may continue bidding to any level I desire, but if the nominated stallion does not receive a bid at the live auction above the opening bid of $500, I have the option of purchasing the service myself for $500 or allow the All American Cup to secure a buyer in the online auction, for a period of 15-days after conclusion of the All American Cup Live Auction.
The All American Cup reserves the right to accept or reject any stallion application.
Thank you for registering your stallion for the 2025 All American Cup Stallion Auction!